Category: KAS News
Book Launch – Maynooth
Book Launch – Nás na Riogh, Reflections and Recollections by Larry Breen
The Country House and the Great War Book Launch
The National Library of Ireland- Web Archive
The National Library of Ireland has been archiving the Irish web since 2011. This year, as part of NLI2016, the National Library’s programme for 2016, we are collecting 400 websites that focus on the commemorations of 1916 and life in Ireland in 2016. “Remembering 1916, Recording 2016” is our largest…
“Meitheal Logainm” – a new user-friendly place names website
A new website – google “Meitheal Logainm” designed to capture field names and other local names is now online and is open for contributions from everybody. The site is extremely user-friendly and affords the opportunity to log on to a map local names such as field names, lanes, cross-roads, street…
Kildare Railways Talk – Photos
Customs Associated with Halloween
Originally published in Vol 5, No. 6, 1908 in an article entitled “Customs peculiar to certain days, formerly observed in County Kildare”. This part describes the customs associated with Samhain or Hallowe’en. Link to Journal Article
Dinner to celebrate the 125th Anniversary – Photographs
CKAS Talk “Kildare Railways” Sunday 23rd Oct
A talk by Liam Kenny titled Kildare Railways which is an outline and history of railways in Co Kildare. The venue is at the Kilcullen Heritage Centre, Kilcullen. There will be a €5.00 charge which includes tea/coffee.
Book Launch – Maynooth
Book Launch – Nás na Riogh, Reflections and Recollections by Larry Breen
The Country House and the Great War Book Launch
The National Library of Ireland- Web Archive
The National Library of Ireland has been archiving the Irish web since 2011. This year, as part of NLI2016, the National Library’s programme for 2016, we are collecting 400 websites that focus on the commemorations of 1916 and life in Ireland in 2016. “Remembering 1916, Recording 2016” is our largest…
“Meitheal Logainm” – a new user-friendly place names website
A new website – google “Meitheal Logainm” designed to capture field names and other local names is now online and is open for contributions from everybody. The site is extremely user-friendly and affords the opportunity to log on to a map local names such as field names, lanes, cross-roads, street…
Kildare Railways Talk – Photos
Customs Associated with Halloween
Originally published in Vol 5, No. 6, 1908 in an article entitled “Customs peculiar to certain days, formerly observed in County Kildare”. This part describes the customs associated with Samhain or Hallowe’en. Link to Journal Article
Dinner to celebrate the 125th Anniversary – Photographs
CKAS Talk “Kildare Railways” Sunday 23rd Oct
A talk by Liam Kenny titled Kildare Railways which is an outline and history of railways in Co Kildare. The venue is at the Kilcullen Heritage Centre, Kilcullen. There will be a €5.00 charge which includes tea/coffee.