More Damage to the Curragh

Despite all the efforts of the KAS and other interested bodies, damage continues to be done to the Curragh Plains. Today, 1st March 2012, I took a walk in the Frenchfurze area of the Curragh. Heavy machinery had been used, yet again, to remove furze. The sward had been removed…

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St. Brigid’s Day

In today’s (St. Brigid’s Day) newspaper we read that a thief stole a rare and valuable shrine, which normally contains a relic of St Brigid, as parishioners prepared for the patron saint’s feast day (Irish Independent, 1/2/2012). There is an interesting story as to how the relic of St. Brigid…

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Tales of Medieval Dublin

Just a reminder that The Friends of Medieval Dublin and Dublin City Council, TALES OF MEDIEVAL DUBLIN  will be taking place next Tuesday, October 11th at 1.05pm in the new Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. The talk will be presented by Dr. Michael O’Neill who is…

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Revealing the Past Seminar

The Academy Committee for Archaeology will be holding its second annual Revealing the Past Seminar on funded Excavations in Ireland. It is taking place on Thursday 13th October. To register for a free place please visit the RIA website at: Dr John Maguire Acting Senior Programme Manager Research &…

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15th August 2011: Commemoration of the Battle of Ballaghmoon, 15th August 908AD

  Many congratulations to Eamon Kane and the Ballaghmoon Battle Commemoration Committee on the unveiling of the Ballaghmoon Battle Monument Unveiling which took place in Ballaghmoon Graveyard on Monday 15th August at 3pm. Eamon gave an introduction to the ceremony, at which Paddy Behan, Chairman of the Historic Monuments Advisory Committee which…

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