MA in Digital Humanities

Interested in acquiring digital skills that will build on your undergraduate degree? Interested in exploring the ways in which new technologies mediate and change our engagement with objects of humanistic study? How does the new ‘methodological turn’ challenge dominant theoretical and critical modes of argumentation? The MA in Digital Humanities…

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La Touche Legacy Seminar

The La Touche Legacy seminar is now in its 26th year and will be held on Friday/Saturday/Sunday 26th, 27th & 28th September in Greystones, Co Wicklow. This year, in association with the Greystones Archaeological and Historical Society, we are holding a “Festival of History Weekend” and we are inviting your…

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KAS Journal on Sale

CKAS  2012-2013 Journal now on sale in the following bookshops. Farrell & Nephew.   Main Street .        Newbridge. Barker & Jones.       Poplar Square.  Naas. University  Bookshop.    Maynooth. Price of Journal = €30.00. Also available from:   Frances Murphy.  <>  

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