CKAS Event: Rathmines ‘Ireland’s premier independent township’ 1847-1930
Date: Saturday 22 September 2018
Time: 2.30pm
Meet: The Church Of Mary Immaculate Refuge of Sinners, Lower Rathmines Road.
This is a member only event and booking on a first come basis is required as numbers are limited due to health and safety requirements. The event will include a visit to Cathal Brugha military barracks where an evening meal will be served at end of the event.
Those wishing to attend should email indicating any dietary requirement on or before 12 noon on Thursday 20 September.
Those wishing to attend should note that parking in this area is limited and the use of public transport is strongly recommended. The area is served from the city centre by Dublin bus nos. 14, 15, 15a, 15b, 65, 65b, 83, 140 and 142.
A contribution of €5 will be collected at the meeting point before the start of the event.