Kilkenny: Memorial Capital of Ireland: 15th -17th May 2020

Long a centre for monumental carving, Kilkenny is equally rich in medieval and post-medieval memorials. Kilkenny: Memorial Capital of Ireland will take them as a starting point for a wider examination of Irish memorials, including aspects such as their design, execution and history. This event follows the recent creation of an outstanding new museum within one of the towns medieval churches. The Medieval Mile Museum, displaying a panoply of monuments spanning some six hundred years, and the impressive collection at St Canices Cathedral will both feature in the programme. Kilkenny is an ideal location for a study of Irish monuments, providing as it does a microcosm for the subject at large.

The event is organised jointly by the Kilkenny Archaeological Society and the Church Monuments Society from the UK. It will be held at the Rothe House, Kilkenny, beginning with a reception and talk on the Friday evening, followed by half day lecture sessions and church visits on both Saturday and Sunday.

Attendance for the whole event is only €60 (or €50 for members of either Society). This covers lecture sessions, entry to St Canices Cathedral and the Medieval Mile Museum and the reception.

For further details see the Church Monuments Society website Advance booking is essential. If you would like to attend, please contact Brian & Moira Gittos, E-mail:

Amy Harris The late 16th and early 17th century memorials in Kilkenny, with a special emphasis on the Kerin school of sculptors
Colm Lennon The Reformation and counterreformation in Kilkenny and their impact on monuments
Con Manning The non-effigial monuments in the medieval period
Cóilín Ó Drisceoil The archaeology of medieval Kilkenny, with particular reference to St Marys church
Salvador Ryan The Arma Christi in Medieval and Early Modern Ireland
Roger Stalley Masons and their Materials in early medieval Ireland
Brian & Moira Gittos 14th century Kilkenny Monuments: Connections & Comparisons

Download the ‘Kilkenny: Memorial Capital of Ireland’ flyer here.

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