The Follies Trust have organised lectures on Thursday 28 October and Thursday 25 November at 7.30pm.
They are being held on zoom as a webinar with a limited number of people can attend St David’s church in person.
We are indebted to St David’s for hosting these events – to the Rector, Philip Heak and Lisa Newnham.
Anyone wishing to attend must book through the Church website home page
The Speaker on Thursday 28th October is Colm Bagnall from Bushy Park Ironworks.
His topic is the Art of Heritage Blacksmithing
The firm, which is based in Tallaght, was formed by Edward Bisgood and Colm Bagnall in 1990. They design, forge and fabricate in a range of metals including wrought and cast iron for public and private architectural projects. In August 2021 they completed the restoration for the Follies Trust of the doors to the pyramid mausolea in Maudlins burial ground, Naas, Co. Kildare. Colm’s lecture will feature this project.
The lectures are both free but a donation would be much appreciated by the Follies Trust.
You can donate by bank transfer to:
AIB Westmoreland St Dublin (euro)
Name: Follies Trust -The
Ac .no: 43025-004
Sort code: 93-33-84
AIB Market St. Lurgan (sterling)
Name: The Follies Trust
Ac. no: 07951-014
Sort code: 93-84-08