Kilkenny: Memorial Capital of Ireland
Read more on Kilkenny: Memorial Capital of Ireland: 15th -17th May 2020
Read more on Kilkenny: Memorial Capital of Ireland: 15th -17th May 2020
No charge, Tea/coffee
Tour of Athy led by Frank Taaffe and followed by tea/coffee and sandwiches in Bradbury’s. Meet in the Car Park at K Leisure off Woodstock Street; the next stop will be at the Edmund Rice Square Car Park where cars can be left until the guided tour is finished. €5,…
Guided by Conleth Manning, we will see the ruins of this important medieval church and visit the graveyard. Please note that much of the ground is uneven here so please wear suitable footwear. €5, Tea/coffee
The history and heritage of Ballinafagh Lake, Prosperous. Meet at the lake and please wear suitable footwear. No charge
Kells, located on the Kings River 15 Kms South of Kilkenny hosts two amazing structures, Kells Priory and Mullins Mills. The Augustinians from Bodmin in Cornwall founded the Priory in 1190. In form and content it would closely resemble what was subsequently built at Great Connell. Mullins Mills’ current structure…
Meet outside the Drama Hall, beside the Church. Walk and talk with guide Tom Crean to include C18 industrial history of Prosperous and its part in the 1798 Rebellion.
This excursion has been cancelled.
Meet at the Garda Museum in Dublin Castle for a guided visit of the two Museums.
An illustrated talk by Andrew Tierney PhD.